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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  From above cited passage, we can know the Dalai Lama slanders theBuddha and negates all the holy teachings of the Buddha’s thirdturning of the wheel; he does not believe the consistency of thesutras in the three turnings of the wheel during different timeperiods. On the other hand, through the actual realization, we haveproven the Buddha’s doctrines in all sutras of the three turnings ofthe wheel in different times are completely consistent, without anyconflict. It also proves that the Dalai Lama does not understand allthe doctrines of the three turnings of the wheel. Therefore heseriously misunderstands them and arbitrarily makes the slander.From this, we can know that he has not yet actually realized thebodhi of three vehicles; thus he cannot master the consistency ofthe doctrines among all sutras of the three turnings and concludesthey are literally contradictory to each other. Only the stupidpersons will believe that such an ordinary person is thereincarnation of Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. Although the Dalai Lamaclaims the teaching of the second turning is the best, he devaluesthe eighth consciousness Tathagatagarbha, which is the root ofprajna wisdom in the second turning. For example, he says in hisbook:

  As far as my own position is concerned, I totally refute theexistence of the foundation consciousness. (Francisco J. Varela,Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying, 1997, Boston: Wisdom Publications,p.87)

  Since the Dalai Lama has not yet actually realized the true mindof the dharma-realm, it is impossible for him to believe the holyteaching of the sutras in the three turnings: If all sentient beingscan actually realize the true mind, the Alaya consciousnessTathagatagarbha, and practice accordingly, they can become Buddhasfinally. Since he has not yet found it, he dares to commit such agrave evil karma of slandering the holy teaching. If one invitesthis kind of person, who slanders the Buddha and commits the seriousevil karma of destroying the true dharma, for prayer, it isobviously in vain.

  Fourth, the lamas steal the Buddhist terms, claim their practiceas Tibetan “Buddhism,” and lie that the Couple-Practice Tantra ofcopulation—the empowerment with the Dual Operations of Bliss andEmptiness in Mahayoga—is a Buddhist practice method. Nevertheless,this kind of copulation method by a male and female couple is infact a non-Buddhist practice of Tantrism in ancient India, nothingbut a “Procreation Worship” of primitive religion; it is exactly thetantric thought that was promoted at the ending age of Hinduism. Allstates of the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness in Mahayoga,from the first joy (the long tactile happiness of both male andfemale sexual organs) to the fourth joy (the long tactile happinessextended from the sexual organ to the whole body—the state oftantric reward-body buddha), have completely nothing to do with theeliminations of self-view and self-attachment, which are the arhats’realization of the Liberation-Way, and also have nothing to do withseeing the Way (getting enlightened or seeing the Buddha-nature),which is actually realized by the bodhisattvas of theBuddhahood-Way. Consequently “Tibetan Buddhism” is by no meansBuddhism; they are the ordinary people who do not believe in theclean, pure Buddha dharma and steal the name of “Buddhism.” Theevidence can also prove a fact: The lamas groundlessly slander theBuddhas and bodhisattvas, destroy the true Buddhist doctrines,commit huge evil karmas of sexual misconduct, and have lost lots ofwelfare; since they believe in the fake buddha and bodhisattvasdisguised by ghosts or demons, inviting them for blessing is thesame as inviting the ghosts and demons to Taiwan, bringing the seedsof future natural disaster in secret; this invitation also means toinvite the person whom the Buddha and bodhisattvas dislike forprayer; can it achieve the purpose of blessing? The wise like youcan know the answer easily. Therefore, spending huge money to invitethe Dalai Lama to Taiwan for prayer is far more ineffective than toinvite native Taiwanese dharma masters who have clean, pure practicefor prayer. In fact, nothing can be obtained from the prayer of theDalai Lama and his followers.




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