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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-11)

  达赖真面目——玩尽天下女人Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche and a female follower were caught on thebed while having sex. The original pictures are retrieved from TVBSNews and Apple Daily.贝玛千贝喇嘛与女信徒被捉奸在床,原始画面撷取自TVBS新闻台及苹果日报。(图24-3-12)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-3-14)


  July 24, 2007, on the page B3, Liberty Times reports that LinlaRinpoche of Tibetan “Buddhism” committed sexual assaults, and hequickly left Taiwan. At first, the tantric authorities claimed thathe was a fake lama. Later, after he had been proved to be the abbotof a famous tantric monastery, they changed their statement bysaying that it was “an isolated incident.”藏传“佛教”林喇仁波切,于2007年7月24日自由时报B3版面,报导其性侵新闻,而此喇嘛快速逃离台湾。密宗最初宣称他是假喇嘛,后来被证明是大陆密宗某闻名寺院的住持以后,改口称为“偶发事件”。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world

  IV Kaohsiung Activity Records, September 1, 2009四、2009/09/01高雄活动纪实


  September 2, 2009, News report from Page A2, Want Daily:September 1, 2009, Kaohsiung / The Dalai Lama held a prayer ceremonyin the Kaohsiung Arena. Over a hundred members of the TrueEnlightenment Education Foundation staged a protest outside theArena. (Photograph by Xie Mingzuo)2009/9/2旺报 A2版报导:2009年9月1日高雄市/达赖喇嘛1日在高雄巨蛋举行祈福法会,上百位正觉教育基金会成员在会场外表达抗议。(谢明祚摄)


  September 2, 2009, News report from Page A4, China Times:September 1, 2009, Kaohsiung / About four hundred members of theTrue Enlightenment Education Foundation displayed the yellowbanners, protesting that the Couple-Practice Tantra propagated bythe Dalai Lama is not a true Buddhist dharma.(Photograph by Zhou Minhuang)2009/9/2中国时报 A4版报导:2009年9月1日高雄市/约400位正觉教育基金会的成员拉起黄布条抗议,抗议达赖的修双身法非佛教正法。(周敏煌摄)

  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-3)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-5)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-7)


  The above activity photos are retrieved from China Review News.以上活动照片-摘录自中国评论新闻网。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-9)


  True Face of the Dalai Lama

  ——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-11)

  The above activity photos are retrieved from TVBS News.以上活动照片-摘录自TVBS新闻台。


  This activity photo is retrieved from ET-News.此一活动照片-摘录自东森新闻台。

  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-13)

  Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is not Buddhism!修双身法的密宗喇嘛教不是佛教!


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-15)

  To protect the sentient beings, the True Enlightenment bodhisattvasstepped forward and made a public request: People should know thatthe Dalai Lama’s prayer is ineffective and the entire donationshould be given to the victims of the disaster.正觉菩萨们为护众生挺身而出,呼吁大众了知达赖喇嘛祈福无效、所募善款应留给灾民。


  True Face of the Dalai Lama——Playing around with all women in the world(图24-4-17)

  The couple-practice of copulation by the lamas and the femalefollowers is absolutely not the Buddhist practice method. Thecouple-practice of copulation was introduced from the HinduTantrisminto Lamaism, which violates the correct Buddhist doctrineand dharma-gate of practice. Tibetan “Buddhism,” led by the DalaiLama, is only Lamaism in essence and is not Buddhism at all.Lamaistic Mahayoga (the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness) isan evil and licentious dharma that involves changing partner duringthe couple-practice of copulation with multiple partners as well ashaving sexual relationship between teacher and disciple, and it willalso destroy family. It makes the Buddhist learners create a severeevil karma of adultery that breaks the precepts. While alive, atantric female practitioner will make her husband wear a green hat.After death, she will unavoidably fall into the hell realm withimmeasurable sufferings. Those Buddhists who know the truth shouldpoint out its evil and licentious nature of non-Buddhism. Thenon-Buddhist Lamaism should be expelled from Buddhism so that peoplewill not become victims again.喇嘛与女信徒合修的双身法,绝对不是佛教中的修行方法,是从印度教性力派引入喇嘛教中,违背佛教正法的教理与修行法门。达赖喇嘛为首的藏传“佛教”实质上只是喇嘛教,根本不是佛教。喇嘛教的无上瑜伽、乐空双运是轮座杂交、师徒乱伦、破坏家庭的邪淫法,只会戕害学佛人造下邪淫破戒的大恶业,修密的女人使家中丈夫被偷戴了绿帽子,死后会下堕地狱受苦无量。知道内情的佛弟子应该指出其外道邪淫的本质,将此入窜佛教的外道喇嘛教逐出佛教之外,避免有人继续受害。


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