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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  From the evidence of so many examples, we should notice why theDalai Lama says “making use of a sexual partner” in many of hisbooks. From the books of another tantric guru, Yogi C.M. Chen, afamous great practitioner of White Hat Sect, we can find a moredefinite answer. Through his explanation, the readers can understandwhy the lamas of Tibetan “Buddhism” (Lamaism) need to have thecouple-practice of copulation with the female followers. In aChinese book of Yogi C.M. Chen, he said explicitly:

  You cannot just use the method of visualization. An actualphysical female is needed, which is exactly what happens in thethird empowerment. Why do you have to use an actual physical femalebut not a visualized one? It is because the physical conditions of avisualized female are not good enough (Editor’s note: the physicalconditions refer to the ejaculated semen and the union of two sexorgans.) in comparison to those of an actual physical one (Editor’snote: female consort). With an actual physical female, on asublimated basis, one can have an actual practice and therefore gainthe real wisdom. For example, although you try to visualize afemale, over and over, you still cannot get your penis stiff. Onceyou have a real female, your penis becomes stiff and active inhaving sex, and can perform the real function. (Editor’s note: thefunction that can ejaculate the semen, which is used as the nectarin secret empowerment) (C.M. Chen, Yogi Chen's Literary WorkCollections, Vol. 1, edited by Xu Jinting, Samantabhadra AudioPublishing Co., 1991, p.238.)

  These words are extremely rude and explicit, like the dirty wordsin lower class people; however, the description is rather frank andstraight. The Dalai Lama conveys the same meaning in his book andsays:

  In Guhyasamaja, in the section related to entering into union witha consort, it is said that if the consort is an action seal, a liveconsort, visualizing deities on her body becomes an actual bodymandala practice. But if one is entering into union with avisualized consort, it does not. (Dalai Lama XIV, The Union of Blissand Emptiness, Snow Lion Publications, New York, 1988, p.73-74.)

  From the above evidence, it is known that the essence of Mahayoga(the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness) of Tibetan “Buddhism”is only to “have sex with the female followers.”

  The Dalai Lama and lamas of “Tibetan Buddhism” teach the followersto have love for all while doing the couple-practice of copulation.The love for all means that multiple couples undergo sexualintercourse at the same time; during the process, they changepartners continuously and take turns having sexual intercourse withmultiple partners; sometimes, there are nine females and nine lamashaving sexual intercourse in turn like animal. In the TibetanTantric School, it is called vajra partner-changing dharma assembly.During the process, they make all the participant females achieveorgasm with happiness. In this way, the couple-practice ofcopulation with multiple partners is propagated. All the qualifiedLamaistic gurus should practice the tantric empowerment ofcouple-practice of copulation. However, after such an actualpractice, they will surely become the hell beings because ofbreaking the precepts. Therefore, the Dalai Lama’s prayer will notbring the blessings to Taiwanese people. The “Most Honorable”Tsongkhapa, a patriarch of the Gelug lineage (to which the DalaiLama belongs), said in the Extended Treatise on the Progression ofthe Esoteric Path, Vol. 13:

  Someone who ask the teacher for empowerment should make offeringsfirst. A curtain is used as a screen. The disciple understands verywell that the teacher is vajrasattva. Wisdom mothers with completesamaya, whose genitals are healthy and who are virgins over the ageof 12 etc., are offered to the teacher. Just like the statement inthe second chapter of Sutra on Great-Seals: “One should choosefemales who are most wise, virtuous, with slender eyes, having awondrous dignified face, and aged from 12 to 16, or 20 if difficultto obtain. Females over 20 are used in other seals (mudra) becauseit will make all the stages of practice impossible to attain. One’ssisters, daughters, or wife are offered to the teacher.”(Tsongkhapa, Extended Treatise on the Progression of the EsotericPath, translated into Chinese by dharma-masterFazun, Wondrous FavorPublishing Co., 1986, p.376)

  Tsongkhapa thought the lamas should cooperate with the females todo the couple-practice of copulation (Mahayoga); after sexualintercourse, the lamas obtain the red and white bodhicitta (in fact,it is the mixture of obscene fluid from both sexes), which is usedin the secret empowerment. Therefore, Tsongkhapa said:

  The last secret empowerment, which is transmitted to enable thedisciple to expound the sutras, means the teacher and the ninefemale consorts attain the state all together. (Editor’s note:namely, the lama teacher, so-called living-buddha, needs to copulateone by one with nine sexual partners, called female consorts, agedfrom 12 to 20; they achieve the orgasm of the fourth-joy alltogether and observe the Union of Bliss and Emptiness; then, thelama teacher ejaculates the semen into the vagina of each femaleconsort one by one and collect all the fluid mixture.) The vajra(Editor’s note: the Tibetan Tantric School claims that this obscenefluid is vajra bodhicitta; they misuse the Buddhist term.)possessing the seeds (Editor’s note: the red and white bodhi, whichis the obscene fluid mixture from the guru and nine female consorts,has the seeds of both sexes.) is put into the mouth of his disciple;in this way, the empowerment is performed. It is the thirdempowerment, or the former stage, in which the teacher and a femaleconsort receive the wondrous joy together; then, in the latterstage, the teacher attains the state together with the nine femaleconsorts. (Editor’s note: in the latter stage, the teacher attainsthe state of sexual orgasm together with the nine female consorts,which is called attaining the state together with the nine femaleconsorts.) The wondrous joys arise from them together. (Editor’snote: namely, the lama has sex with the nine female consorts one byone and ejaculates the semen; together with the obscene fluidobtained collectively from the nine female consorts, the fluidmixture is called the nectar, which is used for the empowerment tothe disciple.)… (Tsongkhapa, Extended Treatise on the Progression ofthe Esoteric Path, translated into Chinese by dharma-masterFazun,Wondrous Favor Publishing Co., 1986, p.399-400.)


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