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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭


  而半岛电视台也在网路上报导达赖访台,并表示这次的访问将对台湾造成反效果,大陆方面甚至已经因此取消官员访台活动。(以上资料2009/10/30摘录自:中国评论新闻网。网址:http://www.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/doc/docDetailCNML.jsp?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101065229 引用时间︰2009/11/08)

  Report 2

  Taiwanese Buddhist Research Groups: The Dalai Lama is not amessenger of peace

  September 1, Taipei, China Review News Agency: On the third day inTaiwan, the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan exiled spiritual leader, held aprayer ceremony in the Kaohsiung Arena in the morning and gave alecture in the afternoon. Both activities were met with howls ofprotest by the demonstrators outside the Arena. In the morning, overa hundred members of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation, aTaiwanese Buddhist Research Group, gathered in front of the gate ofthe Kaohsiung Arena. They displayed the yellow banners andcriticized that the tantric lamas sexually abuse the females,collect money by fraud, and are love swindlers; the Dalai Lama isnot a messenger of peace.

  Yang Shunxu, a director of the True Enlightenment EducationFoundation, said that the lamas who do the couple-practice ofcopulation only belong to Lamaism, which the Dalai Lama claims to beTibetan Buddhism. However, Lamaism is not Buddhism at all. YangShunxu thinks that the evil religion is more terrible than a naturaldisaster; many people are ignorant of right and evil; they wronglyconsider Lamaism (its lamas focusing on the couple-practice ofcopulation and committing adultery with other people’s wives ordaughters) to be a branch school of Buddhism; some people stilladvertise Lamaism, misleading people and getting them into troubles.

  In the news report today, Yang said, “If the Dalai Lama reallycares about the victims of the disaster in Taiwan, he should helpraise money in India. Since the Dalai Lama did not help raise moneyfor the victims of the disaster, I request that the money raisedfrom the prayer meeting should be given to the victims of thedisaster but not brought back to India. This will be the true prayerfor Taiwan.”(The above news information is retrieved from China Review News,2009/10/30.http://cn.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/doc/docDetailCNML.jsp?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101064746 2009/11/08)





  今日新闻报道,他表示,如果达赖真的关心台湾灾民,应该在印度帮忙募款,既然达赖没有帮灾民募款,他要求法会所获得的收入,应该要捐给灾民,而不是带回印度,这才是真正为台湾祈福。(以上资料2009/10/30摘录自:中国评论新闻网。网址:http://cn.chinareviewnews.com/crn-webapp/doc/docDetailCNML.jsp?coluid=7&kindid=0&docid=101064746 引用时间︰2009/11/08)

  Report 3

  Protests Outside

  The Dalai Lama has met with protests in different names since hisarrival in Taiwan three days ago.

  After a strong protest from an anti-independence andpro-reunification group on the first day of his arrival and aprotest from more than ten alleged victims of the disaster outsidethe hotel yesterday, the Dalai Lama met with the protest again froma group of people in the name of religion on Tuesday.

  While the Dalai Lama was holding a prayer ceremony for the victimsof typhoon disaster in the Kaohsiung Arena this morning, theseprotesters displayed the banners saying that the Dalai Lama belongsto Lamaism but not Buddhism. Sun Zhengde, who staged this protest,said to BBC Chinese.com that there were three hundred protesters.

  They handed out the anti-Dalai leaflets to the audience of theprayer meeting outside the Arena. Some participants in the prayermeeting criticized that they were incited by communist China orKuomintang (KMT). Sun Zhengde negated that their protest was incitedby any political party.

  In response to the Dalai Lama’s visit, Ye Xiaowen, head of theState Administration for Religious Affairs, China, currentlyvisiting Taiwan, said that a foreign monk would not necessarily do abetter job of praying. Lin Baohua, a commentator, pointed out thatsuch a statement from Ye was to provoke people into a fight.

  Sun Zhengde said, although her Buddhist community made a donationto the State Administration for Religious Affairs shortly after theSichuan earthquake, they did not have any contact with Ye Xiaowen.She also claimed that their protest was not staged in response to YeXiaowen’s statement.(The above information is retrieved from BBC Chinese.com2009/09/01,news report from Kaohsiung by a stringer in Taiwan.)(Information source: DuoWei Newshttp://www.dwnews.com/big5/MainNews/Forums/BackStage/2009_9_1_12_44_33_365.html )


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