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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  The lamas try to hide the purpose of “having sex with the femalefollowers” in all respects; they desire to keep on having sex withthe beautiful young female followers in private. However,information spread widely in modern times. Many lamas have made thisfact public in their teachings or books. For example, Gedün Ch?pel(1905-1951), a lama of Tibetan Lamaism (Tibetan “Buddhism”) finisheda book Treatise on Passion in the winter of 1938. The Englishversion of Gedün Ch?pel’s Treatise on Passion is Tibetan Arts ofLove. The book talks extensively about sex love. Jeffrey Hopkins,the editor of Tibetan Arts of Love, thinks that Gedün Ch?pel’sTreatise on Passion comes mainly from the world-famous Kama Sutra ofIndia. According to a brief book description, Tibetan Arts of Love“presents in lucid detail the sixty-four arts of love, divided intoeight varieties of sexual play—embracing, kissing, pinching andscratching, biting, moving to and fro and pressing, erotic noises,role reversal, and positions of love-making. … An over-arching focusis sexual ecstasy as a door to spiritual experience. …” (Retrievedfrom http://www.snowlionpub.com/html/product_711.html, 2009/11/7)

  From Lama Gedün Ch?pel’s book that teaches sex love, it hasrevealed that Tibetan “Buddhism” originates from the Tantrism ofancient India. Therefore, it is known that the term “love for all”frequently mentioned by the Dalai Lama and lamas of Tibetan“Buddhism” means to “frequently have the couple-practice ofcopulation (Mahayoga, the Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness)with all beautiful young female followers.” It has nothing to dowith the realization of arhat fruition in which one’s self-view,self-attachment and lustful desire are eliminated. It also hasnothing to do with the wisdom of realizing of one’s true mind andseeing the Buddha-nature. It is not the Buddha dharma at all.







  According to the New translation Schools, at a certain high pointin the practice of Secret Mantra, the mantrika engages in specialpractices such as making use of a sexual partner, hunting animals,and so forth. Though it is easy to explain the purpose of employinga partner as a means of bringing desire to the path and inducingsubtler consciousnesses which realizing emptiness, the hunting ofanimals cannot be explained that way.(The XIV Dalai Lama, Kindness,Clarity, & Insight, Snow Lion Publications, 1988, p. 219.)

  我们按照英文本语译如下:【根据新译派,秘密真言(Secret Mantra)修行的某一高点(highpoint),真言行者(mantrika)从事一些特别的修行如利用性伴侣、打猎等等。虽然很容易解释使用性伴侣是为了引发欲望到修行之路以及包括体悟空的微细意识,但打猎就不能这样解释。】




  The three lower tantras do involve using in the path the blissthat arises upon looking at, smiling at, and holding hands orembracing a meditated Knowledge Woman (consort); (The XIV DalaiLama, Deity Yoga: In Action and Performance Tantra, Snow LionPublications, New York, 1981, p. 211)


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