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[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭






  孙正德说虽然其所属的佛教团体在川震期间曾向中国宗教事务局捐款,但他们未直接与叶小文接触,她并称其抗议活动不是呼应叶小文。(以上摘自BBC中文网2009/09/01,驻台湾特约记者发自高雄)(资料来源:多维新闻网网址:http://www.dwnews.com/big5/MainNews/Forums/BackStage/2009_9_1_12_44_33_365.html )

  Appendix A True Record of SocialEducation:

  Initial Crusade-A note of the demonstration against the Dalai Lama at theKaohsiung Arena on September 1, 2009

  -I rejoice in knowing that this physical body is not mine,and practice the bodhi way, going with the flow of karmicconditions-

  Departing from Taipei Lecture Hall (Northern Taiwan)

  With a subdued soft voice, the Promotion Chief read out everyparticipant’s bus and seat numbers; her voice soon dissolved intothe velvet darkness, which embraced the office building next towhere we stood. We were a large group of one hundredparticipants-namely one hundred bodhisattvas, all dressed in whitekung fu outfits, rather eye-catching in stark contrast to the blacksurroundings and the three big buses. We all remained stone silent.

  The huge wheels whirled effortlessly and surely onto the highway,heading towards our destination. The digital clock read 04:25 a.m.,twenty-five minutes behind our planned schedule. There was no minuteto be wasted; an announcement regarding the crucial points of thistrip was made right after the departure. Thereafter, sooner thananybody would notice, the rhythmical vast cradle rocked everybodyinto sleep; indeed, the previous night’s short sleep was interrupteda few hours earlier. Leaning back against my seat and casting outinto the completely quiet and dark city, I tried to recollect thewhole picture of getting involved in this crusade. Somehow I didwonder, even before the agenda was finalized, I had not been able tosleep normally for a few nights already. Was it an omen thatexperiences from my past lives, “seeds of the deeds” as we callthem, were being brought forth? Even my last minute leave request atwork was accepted incredibly smoothly; it seemed like every detailworked in favor of my southward crusade.

  We kept in close contact with the frontier team located inKaohsiung City, as our journey progressed toward southern Taiwan.The morning sunlight broke out as we enjoyed our first break atTai-An Refreshing Park. From the corner of my eyes, I spotted myfirst lama of the day stepping into a Mercedes SUV (Sport UtilityVehicle). After the refreshment, the Promotion Chief repeated a fewkey points to keep in mind, including the fact that we acted onbehalf of the True Enlightenment Practitioners Association, and thatour safety came ahead of everything else. This mission was to becarried out in a team, and each of the team’s moves should followthe team leader’s instructions. It was supposed to be a formaldeclaration on Buddhism to the public, a proclamation of what isactually right from wrong; it was going to be the Association’sfirst step forward to uphold the true dharma as no other entity hasdone it before in a thousand years’ time.

  Since his arrival in this land, the Dalai Lama had amended hisitinerary a few times. He had cancelled a few activities, but therewas still one morning gathering in the Kaohsiung Arena. If we werelucky enough, we would be able to get back in time to Taipei for theevening lesson given by the Head Master; in case we could not makeit, there would be a DVD recording reserved for us. During the trip,we practiced our slogans and were informed that we would have toleave the site once the police had raised the offense signs for thethird time. The members of my bus were divided into five groups. Wewere assigned the different banners-holding tasks and were told tobe extremely cautious in every aspect. No remark was uttered amongus. To be honest, we had no experience in this kind of endeavor, yetwere well determined, as we clearly knew what we aimed to achieve.We were aware that this was only the starting episode.

  Once our buses passed the point T238 Hsin Ying, we were informedthat there were plenty of police around, nearly everywhere. One ofthe bodhisattvas in the group was a lawyer. He was eagerly makingcalls, maneuvering to get us an easier spot, or, perhaps a laxerpolice vigilance of the venue. The discussions between the frontierteam and our bus became intensive: driving routes, entrancelocation, exit, etc. Each of us got a uniform vest to put on forlater in action. We were getting closer by the minute. Some fishedout biscuits, sandwiches and drinks; breakfast in the bus, togetherwith the bright beaming morning sunshine and the wishful yetunpredictable program ahead of us, we felt as if we were going outon a field trip.


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