热搜:  布施  二信  如来藏  佛事展  三乘菩提



[口袋书系列]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭

  Since these are facts which the public and news media are unawareof, all those who know the truth should speak up and unveil thetruth about the “love for all” promoted by the Tibetan TantricSchool to the public. Therefore, we can prevent more females frombeing hurt continuously (losing their chastity due to having sexwith the lamas) as well as the occurrence of family disruptions. Forthese reasons, we publish this book with the hope that the publiccan learn the truth about the “love for all” promoted by the TibetanTantric School, and thus make this note on January 5, 2010.

  编 者 序






  目  录

  编者序 ………………………………………………………………………………………ii

  前 言…………………………………………………………………………………2



  三、邪教比天灾还可怕——密宗双身法之真相 ………………………………………44


  要与女信徒合修双身法而作准备:如同附图一般抱著女信徒交合时跳跃,增强淫乐触觉 ………………………………………………………44

  乙、博爱──就是与女信徒广泛性交的无上瑜伽乐空双运 …………………………62

  丙、冰山一角──近年各地密宗喇嘛性丑闻的媒体报导一览 ………………………78

  四、2009/09/01高雄活动纪实 ………………………………………………………………129

  五、达赖来台祈福各界报导 …………………………………………………………144


  附录二、达赖来台祈福的真相 ………………………………………………………178

  附录三、达赖双身法举证 ……………………………………………………………226


  Editorial Note………………………………………………………………………………i


  I Dalai Lama’s Prayer Being Useless…………………………………………………………23

  II Dalai Lama Never a Messenger of Peace…………………………………………………33

  III Evil Religion More Terrible than Natural Disaster—The true facts of the Couple-Practice Tantra in Tibetan Buddhism………………………431 Tantric lamas cultivating the central channel and Chi-Practice,and even diligently practicing jumping in a cross-legged sittingposture forexercising the Couple-Practice Tantra with female followers…………………………432 Love for All—Having sexual love with many female followers forthe Dual Operations of Bliss and Emptiness of Mahayoga………………………………613 Tip of the Iceberg—An overall news review of sex scandals abouttantric lamasat different places in recent years……………………………………………………………77

  IV Kaohsiung Activity Records, September 1, 2009 …………………………………………129

  V News Reports about the Dalai Lama’s Taiwan Visit forPrayer…………………………143

  Appendix A True Record of Social Education:Initial Crusade—A note of the demonstration against the Dalai Lama at theKaohsiung Arena on September 1, 2009…………………………………151

  Appendix B Truth of the Dalai Lama’s Visit to Taiwan forPrayer…………………………177

  Appendix C Evidence of the Dalai Lama’s involvement inCouple-Practice Tantra ………225


  The term “love for all” has been heard frequently, and manyreligious people use it as a slogan. However, what are their realpurposes behind the term for “love for all?” We must pay specialattention to this question because there have been many defraudinggroups from the ancient time till nowadays, without exception in thereligious society. We realize that there are many religious sexualassaults disclosed every year, with other countless casesundisclosed yet. Many of those people who frequently say “love forall” disguise themselves in different ways with different outerappearances in front of the public. Among them, the most real caseis Tibetan “Buddhism,” or called the tantric Lamaism, led by theDalai Lama. He says gracefully in The Blessing of the Dalai Lama on2006—Instructions for Life: “Approach love and cooking with recklessabandon.”[1] What is the real meaning behind this statement? We willgradually expound the kernel thought behind the “Mahayoga,” which ispropagated by this highest dharma-king of Tibetan“Buddhism”—Lamaism.


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