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[密宗]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭
Ⅲ.Evil Religion More Terrible thanNatural Disaster—The true facts of the Couple-Practice Tantra in Tibetan Buddhism
1.Tantric lamas cultivating the central channel and Chi-Practice,and even diligently practicing jumping in a cross-legged sittingposture for exercising the Couple-Practice Tantra with femalefollowers
The lamas of the Tibetan Tantric School claim that they can attainBuddhahood in this lifetime. Therefore, they will endeavor toexercise the central channel and Chi-Practice before doing theactual couple-practice of copulation. For example, the Dalai Lamaclaims:
The experiences that you have while falling asleep and while dyingresult from the dissolution of the various elements. There aredifferent ways in which this process of dissolution takes places.For instance, it can occur as a result of specific forms ofmeditation that employ the imagination. The dissolution, orwithdraw, of the elements corresponds to levels of subtleties ofconsciousness. Whenever this dissolution occurs, there is one commonelement: the differences in the subtlety of consciousness occur dueto changes in the vital energies.
There are three ways that these changes in the vital energies canoccur. One is a purely natural, physiological process, due to thedissolution of the different elements, namely earth (solidity),water (fluidity), fire (heat), and air (motility). It happensnaturally in sleep and in the dying process, and it’s notintentional. An analogous change occurs in the vital energies as aresult of meditation that uses the power of concentration andimagination. This change in the vital energies results in a shift ofconsciousness from gross to subtle. The third way is through sexualintercourse. However, the shift of energies, and the shift fromgross to subtle consciousness, does not occur in ordinarycopulation, but only through a special practice where one controlsthe movement of the regenerative fluid in sexual intercourse, bothfor men and women. (Francisco J. Varela, Sleeping, Dreaming andDying, Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1997, p.43-44.)
This statement from the Dalai Lama clearly shows: The lamasdiligently exercise the central channel and Chi-Practice in order topractice Mahayoga through “the behavior of sexual intercourse.” Theyhope that, through the methods of exercising the Chi-Practice andcentral channel, they can maintain longer duration withoutejaculation during the Couple-Practice Tantra of Mahayoga. Thus, theChi-Practice and jumping in a cross-legged sitting posture areprepared for the couple-practice of copulation. The lamas jump whileembracing and copulating with the female follower and make herrapidly achieve orgasm. In this way, while having sex with multiplepartners at the same time, the lamas can make all the femalefollowers highly pleasurable and achieve the purpose of “love forall.” With such a technique of sexual love, they can “love all thefemales in the world.” The “special practice” mentioned in the booksof the Dalai Lama is actually “the practice method of sexual love.”In a book by Francisco J. Varela, the Dalai Lama says as follows:
Here we are discussing the effulgent pristine awareness, and it"squite feasible that its existence might be means of scientificresearch.
For instance, there"s a great difference between the movement ofthe regenerative fluids for two individuals engaged in ordinarysexual intercourse as opposed to a highly realized male yogi andfemale yogini who are engaged in sexual intercourse. Although thereis a general difference, there should be similarities from the timewhen the regenerative fluids begin to flow down until they reach acertain point. In both ordinary sexual intercourse and in the sexualunion practiced by advanced tantric practitioners, the regenerativefluids move to the point of the genitals. Because of this it wouldbe possible to conduct research to learn about the processesoccurring in the ordinary sexual act.
In principle, the general difference between the two types ofsexual act is the control of the flow of regenerative fluids.Tantric practitioners must have control over the flow of the fluids,and those who are highly experienced can even reverse the directionof the flow, even when it has reached the tip of the genitals. Lessexperienced practitioners have to reverse the direction of the flowfrom a higher point. If the fluids descend too far down, they aremore difficult to control.
One training method that can be used as a standard of measurementof the level of one"s control entails inserting a straw into thegenitals. In this practice the yogi first draws water, and latermilk, up through the straw. That cultivates the ability to reversethe flow during intercourse. Those who are highly experienced cannot only reverse the flow from quite a low point, but they can drawthe fluid back up to the crown of the head, from which it originallydescended.(Francisco J. Varela, Sleeping, Dreaming and Dying,:Wisdom Publications, Boston, 1997, p.171-172.)
The above statements mention that their training method is to“insert a straw into the genitals. In this practice the yogi firstdraws water, and later milk, up through the straw. That cultivatesthe ability to reverse the flow during intercourse. Those who arehighly experienced cannot only reverse the flow from quite a lowpoint, but they can draw the fluid back up to the crown of the head,from which it originally descended.” This is actually a way oftaking the vital energy from the female to nourish the male, namelyto strengthen one’s body by means of the female body. However, theirstatements are actually deceiving themselves as well as others. Evenif they do have the skill to draw the regenerative fluid back afterejaculation, it is only back into the bladder, and later, it willcome out of the body with the urine. Therefore, their statementsonly show how they deceive people. It is not that, as they claim,the fluid is drawn back into the original place or the crown of thehead. All the wise medical doctors can prove this fact. In fact, allthe modern lamas, including the Dalai Lama, are incapable of drawingthe regenerative fluid back into the bladder. According to theirrule, they should not do the couple-practice of copulation with thefemale followers. However, the Dalai Lama indulges those lamas whoare unqualified for the real couple-practice to continue to have sexwith the Taiwanese females. Even if the lamas are capable of drawingthe semen back into the body after ejaculation, it is back into thebladder, but not into the original place where the semen is stored,which is a lie from the Dalai Lama. Supposing the semen can be drawnback into the bladder, it will finally come out of the body with theurine. Therefore, even if they have the skill to draw the semenback, it still ends up with nothing and is impossible to prolongone’s life.
Moreover, the purpose of the lamas’ diligent practice of Chi is toincrease their sexual ability so that they can maintain the sexualintercourse for a longer time, avoiding premature ejaculation.Sometimes, because the couple-practice of copulation with the femalefollowers is too vigorous, they have to practice jumping in across-legged sitting posture; through such a way of jumping, theymake the female followers achieve orgasm rapidly and also let theChi of pleasurable sensation produced during the sexual intercoursefade out along the two thighs, avoiding premature ejaculationbecause of too much excitement; after the Chi fades out, theycontinue to do the couple-practice of copulation of Mahayoga. In abook of the Dalai Lama, it claims:
本文标签: 本文关键字:24-1,达赖,真面目,玩尽,天下,女人,中英,24-1.,



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