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热搜: 涅槃  三乘菩提  菩提  悟道  公案  十信



[密宗]  发表时间: 2015-04-16 08:47 点击: [放大字体正常缩小] 关闭
At the same moment, three young lamas appeared, one of themholding our green leaflet in his right hand. I recognized itinstantly and stepped forward to ask him, “Can you read Chinese?”
“Where are we now?” The other one who was on the mobile asked medirectly. I looked around, as a stranger here as well, trying tolocate our position. Abruptly, he pushed his mobile into my hand!
I tried to explain our location to the tour guide on the other endof the mobile, “…Right in front of the Arena, at the intersectionslightly towards…, a China Petroleum Station, Chung Cheng Road…,…yes, in front of the Joy Plaza…” Obviously, she was a visitor tothis city too, so I spent a lot of time explaining our location. Itold the lamas to wait at this spot for their touring bus to collectthem. Also, seeing the blazing sunlight right atop their bare heads,I suggested that they wait in the shade of the Joy Plaza Building. Abrother member who was holding one side of the banner at a distanceturned to me with one thumb up, as the three lost lambs walked awayfrom me.
Once we were back to the park and were offered with a lunch boxeach, I leaned against the wooden table, and then noticed my yellingsore feet.
While munching my food, I enjoyed the gentle breeze of the wind,noticing that tree leaves could have incredibly various tones ofgreen to cope with the burning heat. The wooden bench, the scent ofthe earth, the bushes and the crawling ants. … It suddenly hit me,how many thousand days had gone by since I last had my picnic in agarden? I heard some tender voices, accompanied by radiant smiles.“What did they want, those three lamas?”
“You did notice?”“Sure thing! Security matters!”“They lost their way, which was only a tiny loss compared to amuch bigger one-- their ignorance regarding the truth of life!”
Indeed, what a unique, luxurious feast.
Two thousand and five hundred years ago, Demon Mara impudentlyhastened the Buddha to enter the nirvana state; what was then hisbackbone to support this intrusive courage? Demon Mara knew wellenough, as long as the true dharma remained unknown to the public,all sentient beings would certainly stay connected to the statesthat appeal to the conscious mind. They would indulge in sensualdesires and would be trapped into the endless rounds of births anddeaths (samsara). This way, they would all be herded into DemonMara’s kingdom. Since its inception, the lama’s religion has beenusing the Buddhist terminology in an abusive way, sugar-coatingtheir teachings with a “Secret” flavor, and actually replacing theessence of practices with the lamas’ own inventions. They havemanaged to fool the entire world up to this day. Their followersjoin their movement in a swarm, led by influential celebrities. Thistrend has prevailed in a deep-rooted and interlocked way for morethan a thousand years, but we are determined to destroy the den ofdemons. This is just the beginning of a crusade of the right toeradicate the evil. Of course, we are mindful of the challenges andperils that will obstruct our path as we head towards our goal.
Our initial crusade was performed in the “True Enlightenment”style, which stood for serenity and a clear warning to the society.Comparatively speaking, it was like a mild fragrance pervading thesmelly fish market. It was only natural to draw the public’sattention using a violent way of expression in this mundane world.The bellowing of the five, six persons in the morning was laterbroadly reported by the media in the evening news. Worst of all, thenews put the focus on the strong conflicts among the demonstratorsoutside the Arena, more or less implying that we were involved insome violent clash. That was entirely untrue. As the Buddhist sayinggoes, “From an ordinary mortal’s eyes, the Buddha is but an ordinaryman; but from the Buddha’s eyes, an ordinary mortal is precisely aBuddha.” This is the way things are in the world!
To begin with, if the Venerable Master Pings did not courageouslystand up to the evil, misleading lama’s religion, with his dharmawisdom and righteous mind, you and I might have been on the otherside of the avenue attending the Dalai Lama’s gathering. Moreover,without the True Enlightenment Practitioners Association giving thesociety a shocking and overwhelming lesson via this mission and themany more to come, our family members, children and ourselves infuture lives will all turn into Demon Mara’s herds, to his biggestdelight. I could not help thinking of those three innocent lamas,who lost their way after the gathering. They could have beendisciples of the true Buddha dharma, or the Venerable Master Pings’precious golden-hair lion cubs (outstanding enlightened students).As the True Enlightenment bodhisattvas who have entered the truedharma door, let us make the best out of our blessed opportunities,together with countless sentient beings, to accomplish theall-seed-wisdom, for which one has the full potential in this humanrealm. In such a way, our vows and the uncountable rounds of birthsand deaths that we spent pursuing the ultimate truth during our pastlives would not have been wasted. With my heartfelt sincerity, Ihumbly submit this article to the True Enlightenment bodhisattvas asa footnote to the initial crusade. Once in the dharma door, we aresupposed to work together and attain Buddhahood through thick andthin!
A closing gatha:
The true Buddha’s sons have re-kindled the holy crusade,Worth turning the Earth to eliminate Demon Mara’s deeds;Murky combats progressed toward open glowing encounters,The true dharma lineage will continue to be carried out in theworld.
Namo Original Teacher Buddha SakyamuniNamo Buddha Amitabha of the Pure LandNamo Forthcoming Buddha MaitreyaNamo Dharma Prince ManjusriNamo Bodhisattva-Mahasattva AvalokitesvaraNamo Dharma-Protecting Bodhisattva-Mahasattva SkandaNamo Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Profound KingNamo Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Xuan ZangNamo Bodhisattva-Mahasattva PingsNamo Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Direct Dharma Teachers of the TrueEnlightenmentNamo Bodhisattva-Mahasattva Practitioners of the TrueEnlightenment
Bodhisattva Precepts HolderZheng Zi, with joint palmsSeptember 6, 2009
又跑到年轻菩萨那条英文的【Lamaism, with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is notBuddhism!】布条边:“能站得上这儿吗?”两位年轻菩萨一屈膝,就跃上高架公园的边缘,鲜黄底色的英文艳红醒目句子:【Lamaism,with the Couple-Practice Tantra, is notBuddhism!】立即高高招摇于朝阳之下。“要站稳喔,注意安全!”只看见菩萨们报以微笑,点点头。
因此,由 平实导师已在《狂密与真密》中做了详尽的举证,大家就可以知道“藏传佛教”双身法的底细。假设达赖或诸喇嘛们,看到了这些文字,还欲狡辩而称说︰“有人说:‘修密宗双身法将明点(精液)射出后是吸回膀胱。’那是不对的说法,因为我们藏传佛教乃是将射出的明点(精液)吸回原处(头顶或精囊)。”若达赖为首的喇嘛们有此类辩解之说法,不仅是无稽之谈,根本就是为了圆谎而继续说谎。不论于佛法正理或现代医学生理上的说明,都知道他们这种说法乃是错谬的;因为藏传佛教达赖喇嘛所说的明点是指精液,又说明点原来的处所是在头部而非精囊,其意即是精液储放的处所是在头部,乃是自相矛盾的说法,纯属狡辩之词,只有迷信之人才会信受。只有当大家都更了解达赖这个黔驴技穷农奴主的骗术后,不再被喇嘛教假借“藏传佛教”的名义来笼罩,而能更理智地了解真正的三乘佛教与修学双身法的喇嘛教之间的差异,才能让佛法久住长存,利乐人天。
本文标签: 本文关键字:24-1,达赖,真面目,玩尽,天下,女人,中英,24-1.,



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